Students of Urban Youth Impact took two days from their summer fun to invest back in their own community by cleaning and adding beauty to the Tamarind Avenue Community. Our youth did an array of projects including picking up trash, raking leaves, cleaning homes, repairing a fence as well as laying mulch and planting vegetables at a local church.
Despite the excruciating summer heat, our students were ready to tackle their tasks and had a joy for serving. “It is so awesome seeing them, and their attitudes about it,” said one neighbor, in the local community. “They are in like great spirits about it. I love it! I love it!” They were even visited and empowered by local law enforcement and the fire department. They helped the students pick up trash in Coleman Park and handed out candy.
The main objective of the Beautification Project was to have Urban Youth Impact students pour into a community many of them live in as well as experience a heart change. “I grew up here; ever since I was a baby,” said Kailah. “I used to love playing outside, but of course there was a problem with all this trash outside.” Students hoped that as they invested and “beautified” the community, it may inspire others to clean up their neighborhoods too.
Often it is when our students are serving others that their skills, passions, and hearts shine the brightest. Serving our community does not stop here; we hope to do more throughout the Tamarind Avenue Community. Urban Youth Impact will continue to love, equip and empower inner-city youth to become effective leaders and forces of change within the community.
Local media was present and covered the event in several TV news stories. TV story links are here: